Detroit Auto Manufacturer

Driving comfort for a large automobile manufacturer

25% electrical reduction per month

Subpar pressure control
  • Medium-rise commercial building application with occupancy scheduling
  • Stack effect issues and cold lobby temperatures in winter
  • Relatively energy-efficient building with limited opportunity for savings
  • Vintage AHU controllers required replacement

Partnering to enhance performance
  • Pathian® provided project development, engineering, and commissioning services
  • Installed new building pressure sensors in the lobby and 11th floor elevators
  • Replaced controllers on 4 major AHU’s
  • Installed minimum outdoor airflow stations on each AHU
  • Reprogrammed AHU’s using Pathian Optimal Building Pressure Control (POBPC)

Comfort and savings in spades
  • Total project cost: $60,000
  • Estimated project savings:
    • $14,700 in electric (153,000 kWh/yr @ $0.096 per kWh)
    • $5,030 in natural gas (966 MCF/yr @ $5.21 per MCF)
  • Simple Payback: 3.0 years
  • Maintained positive pressure in lobby throughout winter for improved comfort
  • Reduced Site Energy Use Intensity (EUI) from 80 kBtu/sf to 74 kBtu/sf
  • Weather normalized analytics show electrical actual reduction of 25% per month

Other industries



Dearborn, Michigan

Building Facts

Office building
Built in 1989
335,940 sf
11 stories (165 ft)
500+ employees

The difference Pathian made in our facility was immediate and dramatic.
– Commercial Engineering Manager